What is a Switch Hitter in Baseball?

Is There a Different Approach for Switch Hitters During a Game? A baseball player who can hit from the two sides of the plate could have an alternate methodology while coming to the plate to hit. For example, Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees would see himself as a superior contact hitter from the right half of the plate yet was a greatly improved grand slam hitter from the left half of the plate since he had additional power from that side. He hit 372 grand slams as a lefty while hitting 164 as a right-hand hitter in his vocation. As per Bleacher Report, Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees had a .281 batting normal as a lefty and a .330 batting normal as a righty, which backs up his case. How Do Baseball Managers Utilize their Lineup with Switch Hitters? Baseball administrators invest extensive measures of energy working out their batting arrangement. They will generally work with the analysts in the association to take a gander at every matchup and translate the informati...